“Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” Roald Dahl

Childhood Sessions
These are usually outdoors shoots and can be either at a location suggested by me, or in a place you love to be, a favourite park , beach or other location, even your own garden. I always find being in the great outdoors amongst nature, has a magical way of prompting the most natural, unscripted moments and with little subjects at their most spontaneous and carefree . A perfect way to capture their playful energy and the magic of childhood within meaningful photo stories. As with my family sessions, these sessions are 1-1.5hrs and I keep things relaxed, with only light direction as necessary, in order to capture real moments. These are perfect for keeping your children's photos up to date, for siblings, cousins and even little friends.
''We had so much fun, there was lots of laughter and it felt so relaxed. Sarah has captured images we will treasure forever! ''